

AudioShake is an AI-powered tool for creating musical stems, instrumentals, and remixes from any song. It can take any song—even if it was never multi-tracked—and break it into its stems, allowing for new uses for the music. AudioShake's A.I. technology can recognize different components in a piece of audio, such as drums, and isolate that track for sampling, sync licensing, re-mixes, and more. It can also be used for re-mastering, or to remove bleed from a multi-tracked live recording.

  • 액세스 : <5K
  • 수집 시간:2023-03-29
  • 나라:United States
  • 가격 모델: Paid

#음악 Paid



$20 / month


$39 / month

Label / Pro

$60 / month


로그인 로그인한 후 의견을 게시할 수 있습니다.

유사한 인공지능 도구 탐색

Artificial Intelligence Radio

액세스 13.18K 가격 모델

Song Words

액세스 0 가격 모델 Free

Emergent Drums

액세스 62.35K 가격 모델 Paid