GPTKit is an AI text generation detection tool that uses a multi-model approach to identify and classify text as either human- or machine-generated. It utilizes 6 different AI-based content detection techniques with an accuracy level of around 93%, and provides reports on the authenticity and reality of the content analyzed. It is suitable for anyone looking to check their AI-generated content, including teachers, professionals, students, content writers, employees, freelancers and anyone interested in testing their content for AI-generated content.
Classement mondial
#3,020,172 996,183
Classement des pays
1,650,587 783,018
Catégorie Grade
23,784 9,542
Taux De Rebond
Nombre De Pages Par Visite
Durée moyenne des visites
Accès 114,77M Modèle De Prix
Accès 1,10B Modèle De Prix
Accès 3,67K Modèle De Prix